made to keep my fans up to date on my AMV progess


Watch “[AMV] Evangelion (The final decision all we must take) Get out alive” on YouTube

Not made by me, but worth sharing nonetheless.

Posted from WordPress for Android
I need a computer again.

I now have a Intro

I’ve just created a test intro for my new AMVs.
If it becomes popular I’ll use it as my new intro until i make a better one.
the link to the video is:

Edit: the video got a copyright claim so i had to delete it. Just read the About page for info on where to find my videos.
I’ll be making a new post soon detailing new accounts on youtube and the like, that are mobile friendly as well.

Hello AMV Fans!

This is OniTenshu also more well-known in the AMV field on YouTube as DemonFlame001, and I created this blog to advertise my new AMVs that should come more regularly as of 7/31/2010 so look forward to it.
also the new AMVs released in both SD and HD so people can choose which version they want.

that’s all I have to say for now so just wait patiently and the new AMV should arrive by the 31st! ^w^

well I’ll keep everyone posted at the progress of my new AMVs so just look out for the posts for a preview of what they’ll be like.